For general information about the Mobeye Internet Portal see the info page and product pages. On this page you will find additional information, tips and help with problems.
To sign up for a new account, go to the portal. After filling in your details you will receive an email to confirm. If you do not receive it, check the spam folder or consult us.
You can then log in to the portal. Activate the SIM card and assign a name and location to the device. If the SIM card has not already been paid for in advance, a payment screen will follow. Then insert the batteries into the device and/or connect the power.
If the status and settings screen does not provide a complete list and there is also a red cross next to the communication, reinsert the batteries (and possibly external voltage). The device should start up with red/green LEDs and then flash quickly.
An older device? Bring a CM2 device first into “programming mode” by applying power (wait for green on/off once per second) and then press the “Activate device” icon. For a device with a keypad, you can reach the programming mode via CODE menu 21 OK.
If you do not remember the user name to log in on the portal, consult us.
You request a new password via the login screen of You need your user name and the email address that is specified in the user data. A new password will then be sent to your email address. If you do not receive it, check your spam folder. If you do not remember the data
The Mobeye Internet Portal can be used in combination with the Mobeye SIM card. This has many advantages:
– the SIM card is an M2M SIM
– the SIM card is multi-provider
– the technical (APN) settings and contract details are tailored to the device and use
– you have insight into the (rough) location of the device
– you have a low rate for combining the use of the portal and the SIM
– Mobeye can offer the best service with this SIM through direct insight into the provider data
Only in exceptional cases and on request is it possible to work with your own SIM cards.
The Mobeye Internet Portal has a “keep alive manager”. The device sends test messages (“keep alive”) to the portal, at the set test interval. The portal expects these notifications and puts them in the “History” block. Only if the test report is NOT received on time, will the portal send a report to the “service” contacts.
For some products, such as the Mobeye PowerGuard (CM4100) and Mobeye CM-Guard (CM4000), the alarm recovery notification on the alarm inputs is not set by default. This can be done as follows:
– be sure the unit is in programming mode
– send the following SMS to the unit: 1111 IN1RESET: SEND
– send the following SMS to the unit: 1111 IN2RESET: SEND
The device sends a recovery notification to the Mobeye Internet Portal, which forwards it as default alarm recovery text to the “alarm” contacts (SMS / e-mail).
The messages that the Mobeye Internet Portal forwards as SMS and e-mail are composed of the name, location and message text. The language choice follows from the language setting of the user. In the block “message texts” the messages can be modified per event. If a completely custom text is desired, start the message text with $$ and write the desired text behind it. All other parts of the text are then omitted.
By setting up alarm contacts for SMS and / or e-mail, the Mobeye Internet Portal forwards all messages. To suppress forwarding of one or more messages, start the message text with $$– (dollar dollar dash dash).
The events are still visible in the “History” block.
A few weeks before the end of a subscription period, you will receive an email requesting an extension. You do this as follows:
– log in to the Mobeye Internet Portal
– go to the ACCOUNT tab
– choose the block “Subscriptions”
– choose “Renew subscription”
– select the relevant line. This shifts to the shopping cart.
– if you have multiple devices, you can align the end dates for future renewals.
– read the conditions and confirm them; then go to the payment screen.
A few weeks before the end of a subscription period, you will receive an email with a request to renew or cancel the subscription before the end of the period. To cancel:
– log in to the Mobeye Internet Portal
– go to the ACCOUNT tab
– choose the block “Subscriptions”
– choose “End subscription” and enter a reason
You will not be faced with unexpected facts; Mobeye has no small print that you should have done this much earlier …
If the user has been set up on behalf of a company and you want to pay on account, please contact us.
Download the Mobeye Message App from the Playstore/Appstore. The Mobeye app has a green “eye” logo.
For information about the latest update, visit
When opened for the first time, the Mobeye App asks for a registration code. The contact person will receive this code by text message after it has been created in the portal and “App message” has been checked for this contact person as alarm notification. After saving the setting, the code also appears on the screen.
If the app later asks for a new code, go to the blue Contacts tab, change the contact and click ‘send code’. Have the code entered into the app within 24 hours of creation, otherwise it will expire.
The alarm is reported via push app message, voice call, text message, email or notification to the control room.
App messages and emails are unlimited. Calls and text messages are deducted from the credit balance.
For optimal use at the lowest costs, we recommend the following settings:
– choose the alarm notification ‘app message’ and ‘fallback call’ for each contact person. Possibly also email.
– select the service notification ’email’ for the administrator(s).
Service notifications are about communication (if the portal has not received a keep-alive notification from the device), or about low battery power.
If multiple contacts receive a push app message, you can choose between “group message” or “escalation”. A group message reaches all contacts at the same time. When a contact confirms a message, it is visible to all contacts. An escalation plan follows the order, which can be adjusted using arrows. If a contact acknowledges a message, the next contact will not receive a message. If no one confirms (or in the event of a technical glitch), fallback calls follow.